Monday, December 29, 2008

my favorite fanatic

according to Winston Churchill, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject".

Sorry to Gary, but this pretty much sums him up. It's not just about one subject. God love him, it's pretty much anything bright and shiny that catches his eye. Fortunately for him, he can admire several bright and shiny things at the same time, with equal fervor. And, also I must give credit, that this is a trait I have noticed elsewhere in his family. In all things from religious views to politics, and in Gary's very special case, health concerns and hobbies. In some ways it is fascinating and fun to watch. Like a child with a special new toy on Christmas morning. But it is also frustrating for those on the outside. Like the friend that wants to play with said child, or anyone who wishes to see that special toy, and is met with an enthusiastic slap and whine. It elicits many responses, such as the sibling who suddenly smells burning onions when you walk into the room, futile attempts to cut the conversation short, bold attempts to change the subject (HA! HA! HA!), smiling and nodding politely (my favorite), or just flat-out walking away (that's NOT his favorite). But, to all of these responses, I have to say that if you're family, you 've known him (and yourselves) all your lives, so quit with the nasty looks and deal with it. If you're friends, you've invited him into your lives, so either uninvite yourselves or shut up and take him for what he is....a pretty nice guy. Or if you're me, love him and cherish his enthusiasm and accept him for all of the ways he has made my life better. And while we may all be busy thinking "there he goes again" stop and listen for the sake of listening and realize that somewhere in something (or even everything) he says, there is something we need to hear, and maybe even something that we can learn.
Nope Gary, I'm really not too excited about doing a juice fast in the new year. Just as much as I love you for who you are. Love me for who I am.


Gary said...

Very well stated.
However any change in any routing is usually made easier with support. I do well with out it because till I met you I didn’t get it and more often just the opposite. So I remain fanatical because for over 24 years I was my encouragement.
Sorry if my encouragement to you in your endeavors brings to much commitment to your self.

No one can keep doing the same thing over and over again and get a different result even if there was lots of faith and hope put into it.

Stacy said...

I love you both.... I think this post had some inside things I didn't really get... but I love you stories Gary, and our long conversations! And Bobbie, I love you for who you are too! You are perfect for Gary and our family is better with you in it!