Wednesday, December 10, 2008

'Tis the Season for some Readin'

We've always read to Neil before bed. But, now with Kindergarten, we've started reading chapter books. We started out with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I picked that because he wanted something with a dragon. And he's seen the movie, and we could watch it again when the book was over. Next was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, again we could watch the movie when we were done with the book. Same thing with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Then we were done with that and I didn't want to go on to Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, because it makes me cry and Neil gets really upset about that. So, the search was on for the next book. I was looking at Barnes and Noble and had the decision down to one of three books: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, A Wrinkle in Time, or The Tale of Despereaux. I went with Despereaux, because there will soon be a movie, and the lady at the bookstore said it was the most age appropiate for my 5 year old reader. I knew as soon as we opened it that it was the right choice. Neil was sooo excited and trying to read over my shoulder, spotting and shouting out words that he recognized. Stopping me mid-story to talk about what just happened. Those were some fun nights. And I know I am looking forward to reading it again. Definately looking forward to the day that he can read it himself. It took us maybe two weeks of sporadic reading to get it finished. We would stay up reading for an hour most nights. And we LOVED it! Search on for another book. Neil went to the bookstore with me on that quest, and we could not agree on ANYTHING. Tears were shed. He kept picking books that were the middle of a series. I wanted to start at the beginning of a series. So, better judgement won out and we chose How To Train Your Dragon (Heroic Misadventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) by Cressida Cowell. It was the right choice. The rest of the series will be read. Again we made it through in under two weeks. Search on...again... Being close to Christmas, I had seasonal books in mind. So, he went with me to the bookstore, and right away we spotted Dinosaurs Night Before Christmas. Yea...that was a quick read, but it was fun and the illustrations are incredible. We also got The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. I remember that one from my childhood, and wanted to share it with Neil. It took three nights. He had a nightmare about the Herdmans. Something about being chased by dinosaurs and Gladys Herdman not making it across the bridge to safety. The rest of his class survived. And now that the book is over, maybe he has changed his mind on the fate of Gladys. I'll need to remember to ask. So, last night was a book of Nursery Rhymes that he found on my dresser. Leaving tonight to start.... A Christmas Carol. Never having read it, I am crossing my fingers that it will be a hit. Previewed pages have looked promising......

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