Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saying Good Bye to an Old Friend.

Neil got a new violin yesterday. He didn't want to do it, but it was time. Little arms just don't stay little for too long, and he had outgrown last years fiddle. He desperately wanted to keep him, he gets so attached. But, after lots of conversations about how we just can't keep every violin he grows out of. And lots of picture taking. He did it. Once we got to the shop (Charles W. Liu's Fine Violins), it was pretty easy. Mr Liu grabbed a 1/4 size violin, tuned it up, and started to play. At which time, Neil's eyes got HUGE..."oh, I like that one" he said. Mr. Liu told him to give it a try. And he immediately set out to try "Go Tell Aunt Rhody", he got about a line into it, felt the difference in size, and was a bit out of his comfort zone, to keep going in public. Mr. Liu came back and started tuning and playing a second violin, switched back to the first, and we made our decision. It was hands down the first. So, after much to-do, we made the switch. It's so easy to forget that every time he up sizes, it's like switching from violin to viola, for a time being. He'll get used to the feel, after a bit, but right now his arms and fingers are used to adapting to a violin that was a size too small.
This picture looks just creepy to me, but...

Neil wanted a picture of him packed up and
ready to go.

So, to date, we've had Little Neil (we still have that one, it just seemed okay to keep his first wee little fiddle), Rockstar (a.k.a Squawky) and now we have Squawky McBocky ( "It's Squawky, but you can call him Squawky McBocky if you want to, Mom") And I will, but only because Neil said it first. Neil names them all, no help from me, and I love hearing with what he comes up with.

So, here's the newest addition "Squawky McBocky"


Stacy said...

Oh, sad! I wonder if Carter will be okay with hearing Neil play yet? Court's bro played a different instrument around Carter a few months back, and just recently got better, but for months every time he saw Court's bro, Carter would screem, because the noise of the instrument played that one occassion scared him so bad.

Renee' said...

I didn't know that Neil played the violin! How cool! I used to play years and years ago. I would love to hear him sometime!!